It's really hard to think of things about myself that I haven't yet divulged in this blog but I'll give it a try.
1. I guess many of you already know this, I cry pretty easily. I cry when I read a book, when I watch a movie, when I laugh too hard, when I am very angry, when I get a nice surprise, when I am happy. I actually like it when I cry, except when it's because I'm sad.
2. I love to laugh. There isn't a day when I don't laugh. I laugh with my whole heart.
3. I go crazy over sweet words!
4. When I am in the countryside I always gaze up at the sky at night. I love starry skies! Someday, I want to sleep outside under a blanket of stars. Oh! Just thinking about it makes me smile! I know it's going to be wonderful, specially when I have the one I love beside me!
5. I spent my whole teenage life to my early adulthood trying to gain weight. When I first started in the corporate world, I was only 78lbs with a waistline of 23 inches. I have always been envious of girls who were rounder and curvier. When I 30 years old, I thought of a sure way to gain weight. I intentionally ate a lot of burgers and fries. My waistline is 26 and a half now and hasn't gone back to 23 ever since. Funny but I am trying to lose weight at the moment.
6. I studied in an exclusive school for girls from elementary to college. I was already 22 years old when I
learned how to converse with members of the opposite sex. Before then, I was always nervous.
7. My name is Marie Claire and I'm used to people calling me Claire. But I love being called Joy, Clairol, Claring, Clairee, Clara, Clarita, Sai, Ciara and Cia by people close to me.
8. People say I am an old soul. I love old songs like Three Coins in the Fountain, Portrait of My Love, Inamorata, etc. I love movies and books set before the 20th century. I love old things.
9. I love the feeling of falling in love!
10. I once dreamt I was flying with Superman (young Christopher Reeve). He was gorgeous and he smelled wonderful! Yep! I could smell him in my dream!
11. Had I been any prettier and taller, I would have tried to become an actress.
12. Heat makes me sleepy.
13. I hate the smell of milk. It makes me sick. The only time I pushed myself to drink milk was when I was pregnant. At the time, it took me an hour to finish a glass.
14. I love posing in front of a camera....I always have, ever since I was a baby.
15. I've always loved being on stage.
Here I am dancing a Philippine folk dance.
Practising for a perfomance....
On stage and loving it!
I guess, that's it. I can't wait to read what the others have written!