Monday, May 14, 2012

What I Love about Being a Teacher

Some people would probably wonder what I like about my job.  Well, honestly, I can only think of five things:

1.  I get to have a summer break which is usually around one month and a two-week Christmas break.

2.  Knowing that I had made a difference in the life of a child and being appreciated for it.

    Below  is a facebook conversation I had with Adie, one of my former students.  She was under me when she was in the fourth and fifth  grade.  She is now 17 years old and has turned out to be every inch a lady.  I feel pride everytime she would tell me that I am one of those who made her who she is today.

 3. I get to explore my creative side like designing classrooms like this and getting a trophy for it.

4. I get to choreograph dance steps and teach my pupils to dance and sing and act.

      Here are eleven of my 3rd grade pupils singing and dancing You're Never Fully Dressed without a Smile from the musical, Annie.


This was a contest and we won first prize. I was so proud of them AND of myself!

5. seeing my students look all grown-up like the four girls I'm with in the photo below

Well, I guess everything has to do with some sort of fulfillment.

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