Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Painful Little Toe

I don't know what it is with boys' rubber shoes. Every time I get stepped on by my son, it always hurts so bad...and this has always been true even when my son was only a toddler. Today, we went out to shop for some back-to-school supplies. While he and I were walking, with him walking ahead of me, I suddenly got the urge of squeezing his left shoulder. He suddenly walked a step back and as he did, the nail of my little toe got caught by the heel of his shoe. I was in so much pain I had to stop walking. Several seconds after, I saw my toe bleeding. My nail was almost taken off my toe! Before the incident, I was in the process of thinking about what else could I do to stretch the back-to-school budget. Seems, I now have to stretch it a little bit more for I had to buy some Betadine, ointment and band-aid for my toe. :)

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