I have been thinking of doing something like a "look back" to the year that was and then I stumbled on Brooke's blog and found out she's doing a link-up with the same theme. It's called Year in Review. I thought, I could just link-up.

So, let's have a look at the year that was.
My engagement became official. Ruel's family came over for the traditional pamamanhikan thing. They and my parents formally talked about our wedding. At the time though, Ruel and I had already set the date, and booked the church and reception venue.
I played a part in our university's adaptation of the musical play, Brigadoon. It was my almost life-long dream to be a part of a play and this was such a happy month for me!
I also learned how to curl my hair !
I prepared the students for the Recognition Day, taught them a song, with actions. I also attended my own son's graduation from Grade 6.
This may be considered as buffet month. I had two buffet lunches and three buffet dinners. This was also the month I learned I was finally going to be a real aunt!
I made my first blog post and made my first blog header! I met so many wonderful people and became addicted to the blogosphere.
I enrolled my son in junior high. Spent tons on tuition fee, uniforms and other supplies. Mixed emotions.
I was appointed editor-in-chief of our university's pre-opening newsletter, The Paulinian Windmill. I enjoyed working with the team, enjoyed the stress that came with the work.
Oops! You can't find me in this photo. Only the people in my team are here. |
I finally had a taste of how it is not to be a homeroom adviser. I never knew how liberating it could be till then.
We booked our wedding florist. I realized I needed to give up my addiction to milk tea. I made a woven bag with the help of actress, Sheryl Cruz.
Again, mixed emotions. My son turned thirteen, officially a teenager! I couldn't believe how fast the years have flown by. 22 days after he turned 13, I turned another year older!
We celebrated my last birthday as a single parent in a Greek restaurant.
I read my fourth Sophie Kinsella novel (I've Got Your Number) and had laugh-out-loud moments so many times!
Ruel and I attended a trade fair and I bought myself a new wallet made of snake skin.
I was so disappointed when my sister told me that she couldn't attend our wedding because her OB didn't give her her okay to attend my "destination wedding" too late in her pregnancy.
Ruel and I, together with my sister and her husband went to Tagaytay for our food tasting.
Manuel, my sister's husband took some pictures of me and Ruel afterwards.
Ran into a big problem about our wedding that day. We solved it two weeks after.
We got our invitations from the suppliers and I spent a couple of days addressing the envelopes.
We attended our pre-wedding seminar.
I had to get anti-rabies shots.
I didn't like how the gowns of our mothers turned out. Didn't like how the gown I designed for myself turned out either. We had our prenuptial pictures taken. I had pre-wedding jitters and I got so stressed with the last minute preps.
December 2 marks the beginning of the new chapter of my life when Ruel and I got married. If you'd like to see our pictures and some details of the event, cick here, if you'd like to see more, feel free to click on the tab above that reads, "My Wedding".
Ruel and I woke up to our first sunrise.
And there were so many other firsts this December, including our first Christmas.
It's like I am experiencing everything for the first time.
I can't wait for all of the other coming "firsts" in 2013. The blank pages of this new chapter is waiting to be filled. This time, I will be writing it together with Ruel and of course, my son, Toots.
2012 was indeed an amazingly beautiful year filled with new experiences. I trust that more blessings are coming our way.
May God bless us all with a happy, safe and prosperous 2013!