Friday, January 18, 2013

A Taste of Heaven

When I was in high school I learned to make crema de fruita refrigerator cake using canned fruit cocktail. 

Six years ago, my sister and I experimented on using Zambales mangoes instead of the fruit cocktail.
It was pure heaven!

    I have always used Zambales mangoes ever since. 

  I made a tray of it last night, after dinner. There's not a bit of it left now and I have to make another one. 

Anyway, while I'm chilling the cream, I decided to share the recipe with you.  I call it, Heavenly  Mango Float Ref Cake.

 What you need:

seven ripe mangoes 
Graham crackers
 500 ml of Nestle Cream (two boxes of 250 ml)
 1 can or 3/4 can of Milkmaid Condensed Milk (depending on how sweet you want it to be)


1.  Chill the cream for an hour.
2. Slice the mangoes like the ones in the picture below.
2. Mix the cream and the milk in a bowl.  Be sure to mix well.
3.  Grease a 1 1/2  or 2 inch pan with the mixture.
4. Cover the pan with a single layer of crackers and cover it entirely with some of the cream and milk mixture.  
5.  Arrange some of  the sliced mangoes in rows on your first layer.
6. Make the second layer by laying crackers on top of the mangoes.
7. Pour some of the cream and milk mixture on the crackers.  Arrange some of the mangoes on top  of the crackers.  
8. When you make your third layer, pour the remaining cream and milk mixture.  Make sure your crackers are well covered and  lay most of the sliced mangoes on this layer  to make it look pretty.
9. Chill the refrigerator cake for at least three hours then serve cold.

This is pure heaven!

Note:  There are many varieties of mangoes.  I read somewhere that there are over 400 of them.  For this recipe, I am talking about the Zambales Lamao and Sweet Elena  varieties.  I am not sure how the recipe  will work with other varieties.

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