Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Bit of News

It's been some time since my last post.  I honestly haven't found the mood nor the inspiration to write any post at all since then.   Tonight I decided to borrow my husband's laptop (my laptop's charger is missing...I'm hoping against hope it's in school so that I wouldn't have to buy a new one) and write a short post. 

I found out through urinary bladder ultrasound last Friday that my kidney and bladder are stone free!  The shockwave that I went through in December has successfully pulverized it and the 3 liters of water I have been drinking a day for one month has flushed it all down.  My urologist cleared me yesterday and just advised me to have a yearly ultrasound to make sure any new stone is discovered early.  So you know what this means?!  It's time to have a baby!!!

I am excited, a bit scared (because of what happened the last time and the second to the last time I was pregnant)  but this is my dream and I have to be brave, to think positive, to keep on praying, to keep on hoping, and to keep believing.

Sofia and my two other  angels in Heaven are rooting for me and their dad.  I know it.  And probably, they are praying for us and with us.

And to all of you out there who are reading this, wish us luck....if you have time, please include us in your prayers.  Help us pray for a normal, healthy and strong baby.

Thank you very much!

1 comment:

  1. Oohh I wish you all of the luck in getting pregnant and having a healthy little boy or girl soon!


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